
Although I do not consider myself as a full-time literature writer, I enjoy writing fiction. Currently, I am writing three novels about fatherhood. I have finished the first story, the process of drafting the second one, and I have no idea when the third one will be finished. When the novels are ready, I will post updated information.


Title: Räda Lounge’s Nights
Author: Juan Larrosa
Year: 2007
Editorial: Tierra Adentro
Buy this book: Educal /



04 Tres.portadaTitle: “Three Stories Before a Nocturnal Apocalypse” (Spanish)
Author: Juan Larrosa
Year: 2003
Editorial: Ediciones del Ornitorrinco.




01 Nuevos.portadaTitle: “New Deaths” (Download)
Author: Juan Larrosa
Year: 1996
Editorial: Revista El Cuento